Direct Instruction
This lesson is around Project Based Learning, with PBL you have a driving question, and then a sub-question/s that need to be answered in their final projects. The children worked in teams to best present their findings.
Driving Question: What adaptations did early Māori make to enable them to survive and thrive in a new environment?
Sub Question: What traditional sports and games did early Māori use to learn important survival skills and for entertainment purposes?
Term 4 is always busy, and usually shorter so to get through a full topic of learning was a success. The children were super proud of their final projects and always love being able to share this with their families. The learning that took place to get to this stage was very step by step as they children needed to learn what took place 500 years before the European settlers arrived. Having the resource of the Aoteroa History Show supported what we were reading and created a great visual representation for the children. I think if we were to teach this unit of work again, as a team we would have just chosen one area of the traditional games to investigate. This would have narrow the field, finding detailed research was hard for the children and this is something we would consider for next time as well.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
To the best of the children's ability, they need to be able to answer the questions below.
Driving Question: What adaptations did early Māori make to enable them to survive and thrive in a new environment?
Sub Question: What traditional sports and games did early Māori use to learn important survival skills and for entertainment purposes?
On the right-hand side is a link to the PBL site where the children access all their learning. Below on the left is their planning documentation. Below on the right is a great website the children used for research.