Direct Instruction
Children will be reading a story called "Badge of Honour". The children will use their knowledge from text to combine with new idea (own and others) to come up with new thinking.
They will be learning to identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand the relationships in text and consistently draw conclusions and get meaning from text by 'reading between the lines'.
I enjoyed teaching this lesson, the children enjoyed this text and they all had different thinking towards the situation in the story. The story ends, and we all wanted to read part 2. Looking over the lesson, the same children contributed to the discussion and others are just sitting. Something to be mindful of next time. As this lesson only shows a snippet of the reading lesson, the children discuss later in the piece what they think they would do - interesting to see who just sits on the fence and those who chose to say nothing.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
Use knowledge from text to combine with new idea (own and others) to come up with new thinking.
Identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand the relationships in text.
Consistently draw conclusions and get meaning from text by 'reading between the lines'.
On the right-hand side is a link to the reading site where the children access all their learning, texts and follow-up work. Below on your left is a copy of the reading. Below on your right is a copy of the digital modelling book for the "Sea Pigs".