Direct Instruction
This lesson shows the children identifying keywords that when combined with prior knowledge, will help with their understanding. The children also find at least one important idea and justify why it is important to the story. This reading lesson is based on the picture book Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox.
If you haven’t read this book before I 100% recommend it. This book brings back many memories from my childhood and I loved the chance to share this with the children today. The children were intrigued by “my favourite book” and this was a great start to getting them engaged from the beginning. The story follows a small boy who is friends with an older lady. The important part of this lesson was to ensure the children understood how important it is to not only have friends, but you can also have friends of any age. I could not show the whole lesson through the video above but the lesson did not stop there. The children had so much to share about what parts they enjoyed, and why. They were able to relate this story to members of their own family, and friends. The children were making great links to keywords, and prior knowledge and were able to voice these within the group setting. The children were excited to go and add things to their friendship soup (one of the create tasks) that were related to making memories and about how they are important.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
Identifying keywords that when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding.
Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important.
On the right-hand side is a link to the reading site where the children have access to all their readings, digital modelling book and follow-up create and share tasks. Below on the left is a copy of the slides the children had while I was reading the story. Below on the right is a copy of the "Sparkle Muffins" digital modelling book.