Direct Instruction
This lesson is using the coding Spheros ball. The children are learning to create shapes by coding a Sphero.
They will know when they have been successful when we can code a simple star shape and code a range of different Star Constellations.
This lesson was fun, the children loved having the opportunity to for the first time use the Sphero coding balls. The children became to be able to code the Sphero moving along the line of a star. They were getting used to manipulating the code based on the angle and speed the ball was travelling. To develop this further we needed to continue this over several lessons. As the teacher, I would need to stop the children, bring them in and then instruct them on the next piece of code. This is definitely something to think about for next term. The engagement of the children was 100%, so it would be good to ensure I use the Sphero ball again in Term 4.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
The children are learning to create shapes by coding a Sphero.
The children will know when they have been successful by coding a simple star shape and coding a range of different Star Constellations.
The google slide on the right-hand side included the step-by-step instructions I used to support my teaching. There are examples of code around star constellations.