Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for children to learn about primary and secondary colours by doing this science experiment.
The video shows my focus group observing the changes made by the coloured water in the plastic cups and paper towels.
They learnt how to make a predication or hypothesis before the experiment started...
On reflection I was pleasantly surprised at how many children knew their primary colours already and then needed support to make a hypothesis as to which two colours mixed together would make a secondary colour? Role modelling to begin with gave the children an opportunity to see the results immediately. Next time I could get a few children to add the colours to the water, or pour the water into the glass vase?
Things to note
Remember to be prepared with all materials and resources before you start; including paint in plastic cups, water, food colouring or dye bottles. Follow up with video recordings on their iPads of their own paintings and writing recount.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
For children to learn about the difference between primary colours and secondary colours by making a prediction.
Watch the teacher pour water into 3 empty cups and then add food colouring (red, blue and yellow). Fold the paper towels x 2 in half and carefully put them into two cups that are placed close together. Watch and see what happens to the coloured liquid in each cup...