Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for children to gain an understanding of Computational Thinking using individual mini robots called "Beebots" on a grid.
The video shows my focus group programming the Beebot to follow a set of simple directions using positional language.
They learnt about using forwards, backwards, left and right and counting the squares on the grid to get from A to B.
On reflection I was keen to introduce new language as the children I am working with have a limited vocabulary. Encouraging repetition of new words and adding language to a young child's vocabulary is also crucial to the learning intention of this focus group. Sharing and turn taking of the materials is also important as it develops social skills needed for co operation. It is vital to talk about "Kawa of Care" and how we need to look after the Beebots at school.
Things to note
Have a discussion about our Inquiry topic "We know the way" and talk about what words we need to use to get something to move around a grid mat. Then use a soft toy or a pointer to mark out the steps to take before programming the Beebot. Follow up with video recordings on their iPads of their own participation and experiments carried out with a buddy.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
For children to discover how to program a mini robot using their own cognitive ability and learn computational skills in programming an individual "Beebot".
Find a buddy and look at the grid. Decide which direction you want your Beebot to move in. Mark out the steps to follow on the squares of the grid and take note of any landmarks or points to make a turn. Take a video of your buddy participating and share it on a new EE. (Then upload it to your blog).