Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to investigate Bernouill's Principle of Flight and Newton's law of force and motion.
The video shows my focus group putting a ping pong ball into a column of air produced by a hair dyer.
They learnt about two famous scientists and thier influence on forces such as lift and motion. Then they watched an introduction video from "Nanogirl".
On reflection I was keen to introduce new language as the children I am working with have a limited vocabulary. Encouraging repetition of new words and adding language to a young child's vocabulary is also crucial to the learning intention of this focus group. Sharing and turn taking of the materials is also important as it develops social skills needed for co operation.
Things to note
Have a discussion about the two famous scientists who influenced flight (Bernouilli and Newton) and their theories of forces, such as gravity, lift and motion. Give the children a balloon to blow up so they can see the effect that air has on an object. Watch a video of an aeroplane taking off and discuss the lift process. Follow up with video recordings on their iPads of their own participation and experiments carried out with a buddy.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
For children to discover how objects can fly using the principle of lift and force in the air. Students experiment the results of speed and force using toy cars on different surfaces.
Find a buddy and blow up a balloon. Observe how much breath it takes to fill it up. Race your car on the blue lino and the carpet. Which one makes it go faster? Which one makes it go slower? Take a video of your buddy participating and share it on a new EE. (Then upload it to your blog).