Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to learn how to sort a range of objects using rough and smooth categories.
The video shows my focus group using magnifying glasses to look carefully at the texture of the object to investigate if it is smooth or rough?
They used natural resources such as shells, rocks and leaves to compare and then record their findings in a graph record.
On reflection I was keen to introduce new language as the children I am working with have a limited vocabulary. Encouraging repetition of new words and adding language to a young child's vocabulary is also crucial to the learning intention of this focus group. Sharing and turn taking of the materials is also important as it develops social skills needed for co operation.
Things to note
Have a discussion prior to the actual experiment being carried out. Talk about predictions and making a hypothesis before the Science experiment begins. What do you think this shell feels like? Have a discussion with your buddy. Is it rough or smooth and can you tell me why? This would be part of an extension or follow up activity on their iPads.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
For children to create their own sorting experiment using everyday objects found in the classroom.
Find a buddy and look for some objects that might be rough or smooth. Collect them and have a look carefully at them using the magnifying glass. Decide on which ones are smooth and rough. Take photos and add these to a new EE. Create a graph to show which ones are smooth and rough and record yourself to add it to your blog. (This activity highlights the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy).