episode7_Elena_Terekhina_Integrted learning_Reading and science.mp4

Integrating Reading into Science Learning

The learning intention for this lesson was to understand the purpose and features of a procedural text. Hands–on experiments motivated the students to read and use topic-related language. The students were building their capacity to comprehend and use the procedural text for a real purpose. I believe that they practised critical thinking and problem-solving skills along with acquiring their scientific knowledge.

Extended plan here


During the entire 'Planet Earth and Natural Disasters' unit, the students stayed highly engaged and motivated. In this episode they were learning essential science understandings while building a range of practical literacy skills. I believe that students understand science more deeply when they have opportunities to use topic-related vocabulary and connect science texts to hands-on experiences. I am very proud of my students who showed their deep understanding of the topic and were eager to extend their learning by using our multimodal site. The students shared their learning with their whanau during our Tamariki Korero (Student-led conference)

Things to note:

There are a few angels and recording moments that look odd - one of the students accidentally moved the camera. The background noise is a bit too loud because the other group of learners was conducting their tectonic plates experiments.

Class Site Content


  • To understand the features and a purpose of a procedural text

  • To use simple models to represent volcanic eruptions

  • To communicate our ideas, experiences and information


  • participate in science experiments/ explorations

  • create simple scientific models

  • interpret the information presented in a range of texts

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Learner Generated Content

Elena Terekhina

Glen Taylor School


Professional Blog


Manaiakalani Research

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand