Choral Counting
The Learning Intention for this lesson was to continue to develop my students' Number Sense, creativity, reasoning, predicting and justifying in Maths. Choral counting provides the basis for a deeper understanding of number patterns and mathematical relationships.
I believe that the lesson went well. Initially, I thought it was a bit too long but I couldn’t stop my students as they were so excited to find more and more patterns. The entire lesson took about 20 minutes and included more of their creative thinking and reasoning. Even after we finished, a couple of students stayed on the mat and found more number patterns. I think it was a good balance between teacher and student talk. However, next time, I’ll try to ask my students to revoice their peers’ ideas (with my support if needed). I believe that this group of students came away with a good understanding of the importance of noticing and using patterns and relationships between the numbers. All of these students were actively engaged and used their critical thinking to analyse the patterns. One student said that she felt like a real ‘Maths detective’ and requested a more challenging pattern next time.
Class Site Content
WALT: identify, describe and explain patterns in number sequences
use rules for sequential patterns to continue a pattern
Learn: Patterns are an important part of mathematics. We notice the relations between numbers and predict what will happen next.
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Learner Generated Content
Elena Terekhina
Glen Taylor School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand