Halloween Celebration in Lockdown
The Learning Intention for this online session was to:
SHARE students' personal experiences, interests, traditions, and Learn-Create-Share projects;
get connected, celebrate their creativity, express learner identities and have some fun during the long lockdown.
I believe that the lesson went well. I was pleased with students' active participation and engagement during our online celebration. We started by sharing our own experiences of celebrating Halloween this year. Some families didn't celebrate it, but all the students had an opportunity to talk about their weekend. I deliberately planned to have our LCS celebration on Monday, so everyone had something exciting to share no matter if they celebrated Halloween or not. Some students wore costumes, others prepared presentations and confidently shared their LCS objects based on their interests, strengths and abilities. I enjoyed watching my students being creative thinkers during the riddles and 'would you rather' conversations. It was the celebration of my students' successful learning, raised confidence and all the other key competencies that they developed over the past year.
Things to note: This celebration was filmed over 2 consecutive Google Meets (morning and afternoon) as one session wasn't enough to share and enjoy all of their wonderful learning.
Class Site Content
Learn: exploring elements of celebrations by creating our own unique 'Halloween in lockdown' event.
Create: Students used their prior learning, knowledge and experiences to confidently participate in this online celebration, have fun, learn from each other and have meaningful conversations.
Share: your learning and LCS during our online celebration and on your blog
Learner Generated Content
Elena Terekhina
Glen Taylor School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand