Mapping Our World
Integrated learning during Lockdown & Multimodal site
The learning intention for this unit was to understand the concept of maps as 2-D representations of places in the real world. The students learnt how to understand and communicate directions, locations, proportional relationships and the connections between objects. During this unit, the students learnt to create their own simple maps (floor plans, local maps, Google MyMaps) and to use appropriate units and devices to measure length and distances.
During online learning, it’s really important to keep students engaged and motivated. With that purpose in mind, I designed an integrated multi-subject unit called “Mapping our world” with a big focus on identity, personal connections and understanding the world around us. Keeping in mind my diverse learners, I created a multimodal site that allowed all of my students to access the right-level resources and successfully participate in the class Learn-Create-Share project. This unit brought many learning areas under 'one big umbrella' and provided a real purpose for learning. To add fun and to test their map knowledge, we created a Kahoot quiz and played it at the end of the week. I believe that the entire unit was a success due to the authentic learning opportunities. We even enjoyed wider whanau engagement as some families worked together to create their whanau maps.
Things to note: This episode was filmed over a few days of online teaching and learning during the level 4 lockdown.
Class Site Content
to understand the concept & features of maps and their purpose
to describe the location of objects on a map in relation to other items/ objects
to use directional language to describe locations of things on a map
to use appropriate units and devices to measure length and distances
create simple personal maps
complete cross-curricular activities and tasks
interpret the information presented in a range of texts and maps
a class Kahoot quiz using our new knowledge
Share your learning on your blog and during Google Meets
Learner Generated Content
Elena Terekhina
Glen Taylor School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand