Developing Interviewing Skills

Google Meets Lessons and Multimodal site

The Learning Intention for this learning unit was to develop students’ Key Competencies and effective communication skills through an integrated curriculum (reading, writing, oral language and social science) by preparing and conducting an interview.

Extended plan here

Developing Interviewing skills_Elena_COA_Episode.mp4

Google Meets Lessons

Interview - Mrs Cox and Alan_COA_Elena.mp4

The Interview in Lockdown


During this integrated learning unit, my students had multiple opportunities to practise and develop their literacy knowledge and skills and key competencies. All of the students stayed engaged during our online lessons and kept working on their tasks independently to be able to participate in every subsequent lesson. The students worked together creating a common understanding of how and why we had to follow certain steps and rules when preparing and conducting the interview. This ‘behind the scenes’ work led to a successful and enjoyable interview for all the parties.

I shared my multimodal site and personal experience of teaching interviewing skills during distance learning with my school colleagues. One of the Year 5-6 teacher decided to give it a go too, and her feedback was very rewarding.

Class Site Content


Developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills

Developing Key Competencies

Developing interviewing skills - processes and rules


interview questions by researching about our guests

prepared, conducted and recorded the interview

Shared: the recorded interview on the class blog

Learner Generated Content

Elena Terekhina

Glen Taylor School

Professional Blog

Manaiakalani Research

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand