The Learning Intention for this lesson was to set up the positive norms in maths class. The positive learning classroom culture goes beyond the ‘classroom treaty’ created in the first week of school. The positive norms in maths class needed to be constructed together so that students know what is expected of them and for them to have the tools to respond to and meet those expectations. I want my students to work collaboratively and engage in mathematical discussions by sharing and explaining their thinking and reflecting on the thinking of others. To achieve this we have ongoing discussions around how we work together and what is important to become better mathematicians.
Overall, I was pleased to see that all the students had the confidence to participate and contribute during the session (to a different degree). Think-Pair-Share sessions helped them become actively involved in our conversation and allowed them to share their thinking with their buddies. I believe that the students came away with a good understanding of the importance of taking risks, making mistakes, and other positive behaviours in learning. It was great to see them making connections to our past week’s learning and taking ownership of the classroom culture. Our next step is to use these co-constructed norms to work collaboratively and engage in mathematical discussions.
Things to note
We haven't unpacked all of the positive norms, for example, we didn't talk about depth vs speed. This will be taught during our problem-solving lessons. During this session we used some of the 'Talk Moves', mostly 'wait time' and 'add on'. I gradually expand their "talk moves' toolkit focusing on and practising each of the 'moves' individually. Later on, these skills will be linked and used together.
Class Site Content
WALT: think about and discuss the positive norms in maths
Over the past week, we watched a few episodes from https://www.youcubed.org/week-inspirational-math/
Students had to think about what we learnt during the past week and participate in our discussion around how we behave during our maths lessons and what to do to become better mathematicians.
Actively participate in our discussion, take risks and share your ideas
Make connections to your prior knowledge and construct the positive norms together.
As a follow-up activity, work in pairs to create classroom posters explaining and promoting the positive norms in maths.
Share your poster on our class blog and in the classroom.
Learner Generated Content
Elena Terekhina
Glen Taylor School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand