Direct Instruction
This lesson took place at the end of a novel study of 'The Jacket' by Andrew Clements. We met at the end of each chapter to discuss the key events, sources of conflict and character development. In this session we discussed the resolution of the novel and my aim was to support the students to consider the overall theme of prejudice.
This was quite a frustrating lesson as we were interrupted frequently which stopped the flow of our conversation. In the end I had to 'take over' a little bit to steer the conversation to meet the learning intention I had set. I was really happy with the students general understanding of the novel as it was the first time some of them had ever completed a chapter book set at their level.
Things to note
The other students in the class were completing different group work and create activities. I'd usually pull groups during this time but I hadn't considered the amount of background noise or the fact that students would need to get up to collect resources which impacted filming.
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Danni Stone
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand