Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for the students to be able to make connections with what they are reading and infer key information.
This lesson shows a guided reading session with students taking turns to read parts of the story as well as reading parts independently. A key thing with this group and the task that accompanied this lesson were giving the students the opportunity to have good reading habits as well as reading mileage.
I thought that this lesson went pretty well the students seemed to be really engaged and started to get the concept of inferring and how do this while reading. The students had some rich conversations about their reading and sharing their ideas with each other. They were really excited about completing the reading activity and listening to themselves reading the story back.
Things to note
This lesson was filmed very close to the end of the term so there is some background noise with students trying to get work done and moving around to different classes. I also had some difficulties with my camera memory so lost some of my footage while recording. But I still managed to get all of the content on that I wanted from this lesson on the video above.
Class Site Content
Week 11
WALT: make inferences from a text.
Read the text with your teacher.
Read the text again on your own and record yourself reading for the "review task."
Complete the "alphabetical" task for this story that you have read.
Post these on your blog.
Learner Generated Content
Kelsey Parrant
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand