Direct Instruction
This lesson shows a short physical education sessions that is also linked to procedural writing. This episode begins with using a YouTube exercise video for children. As a class we completed each of the five exercises on this video.
Once we had completed the exercises we went through the presentation of procedural writing for exercises. The students were able to complete this activity in groups where they needed to come up with four key exercises that they would explain to someone else.
This lesson shows some physical education where they students are given the opportunity to experience some of the exercises and then a writing lesson on how to complete procedural writing.
I think that this lesson went really well, all the students were engaged in the physical education aspect of the lesson. They all tried really hard to complete the exercises and gave it a really good go. We have been learning all about being healthy this term and the students have loved the opportunity to get out of their seats and getting active during the day. I think that by allowing the students to complete the exercises first they were able to get up and out of their seats and have fun while exercising and not just having to sit and watch the video was really effective for this lesson. The students were definitely more engaged and excited to complete the task.
Things to note:
This lesson was filmed the day before New Zealand went into Alert Level 4 (lockdown). When we filmed this lesson it was very close to our lunch time so we didn't really have much of a chance to start the tasks in our groups, with some of my students in this group heading off to extension classes in the afternoon. We did talk about this during lockdown with our learning online and some of the students were still able to complete the lesson from home.
During editing I realised that the second camera I used was not the best quality in comparison to my normal camera, however I have still added it in to show a different perspective and also see the students when they are talking and asking questions. The audio also sometimes goes a bit quiet where I have moved away from the microphone which was situated at the front of the class however you should still be able to hear all of the questions and content.
Class Site Content
Week 4: Design a workout
WALT: use procedural writing to create a workout for my peers.
This week we are learning how to use procedural writing to share a workout with our friends and whanāu.
Watch and complete the 5 minute move video with the class.
Get into a group of no more than 4 people.
Make a copy of the writing template.
Find four workout activities
Write the instructions for each workout - give as much detail as you can and film your group completing these exercises.
Try your workout on another group in the class.
Post on your blog!
Learner Generated Content
Kelsey Parrant
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand