Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to go through how to file, make a copy and save a document to the right folder.
The video shows class instruction as well as practical experience of the lesson. This lesson initially was a whole class session but for the purpose of this video it has focused on a small group and how they were able to follow and recreate these instructions.
Although most of these students knew how to file and make a copy it was important to go over this again in order to set the expectations up for the year. These students managed to understand and know how to do this quite quickly and they were able to get on with the task. The way I had set up the follow up task of showing screen shots and a description was a bit confusing for some of the students they were a bit unsure about what steps to start with, which I could have been a bit clearer about. The arrows on the google drawing were a bit confusing for some and you can see in the learner content below that some of my students went line by line in order and others followed the arrows around. I think the thing that worked really well was showing them how to do it first with chromebooks closed helped them stay focused and know exactly what they were doing before they started. Another success for this lesson was having the students share back what they had created with each other this built confidence not only being on camera but also in knowing how to file and make a copy.
Class Site Content
Week 2
WALT: know what the expectations and routines are for reading time.
Read the text with your teacher.
Read the text again on your own.
Complete the "alphabetical" task for this story that you have read.
Complete the file and make a copy task.
Learner Generated Content
Kelsey Parrant
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand