Direct Instruction
This session shows students creating 'lockdown' news. It shows students writing a news report based on current events or things that are of interest to them. It shows them recording themselves on a range of devices and sharing these to both our class site and to their individual blogs for others to enjoy.
This session has a large focus on children making connections between themselves and current events from both within NZ and from with the world.
This was a really successful lockdown learning activity with students linking what is happening in the world for them to what is happening within NZ and the world. Students were motivated to create these after watching another students regular lockdown updates which have been published to our class site.
It was great to see how students took this on themselves and wrote on a range of topics that related to them. Many of the students also videoed themselves reading and presenting their lockdown news and then added this to their own Media folders. Some used screencastify while others used either the camera on their Chromebook or a parents phone/iPad to record themselves.
Students were very proud of their work and would email when they had recorded them so I could upload their updates to the class site through out the day (and then to our class blog at the end of the day). At few students were asked to re-record if there were issues with giving out to much personal information - but this was easily fixed..
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
Students will write and record themselves presenting a lockdown news episode based on a current events topic or something of interest to them (e.g. Delta Outbreak, Olympic News, Sports).
Students choose a current events topic to write on and do some research so they can add facts to their report.
Students then write a report to share the information they have found out. Students then present their lockdown news (preferably by recording it.subject to write othey are interested in and take a range of photos showing that one object in multiple ways.
Students need to think about the rule of thirds as they take these photographs as this will enhance their finished photo.