Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to add interesting hooks to the beginning of paragraphs to capture the readers attention.
The video shows a writing recrafting to need session based around adding hooks to writing to grab the readers attention. This will extend their vocabulary within their writing, and build on their sentence starters.
Link to extended plan here
Session was fantastic. Loved teaching with chrome books and seeing children's excitement as they begin working on their devices. Personally I felt a bit lost with the recording element of this session, and I wanted to show to much. Had to really narrow down what the key points for the session were and also key discussions with students.
Things to note
This session was a first for many things. Most significantly this video captures is my first ever chrome book teaching moment. It is also my first class on air, also the students first learning opportunity on chrome books for this year - and for many of them this was also their first opportunity to learn with a chrome book.
Class Site Content
Learning Intention
We are learning to open and work in a document from our class site.
We are learning to add hooks to our writing.
General discussion on recounts and topic (Chromebook rollout)
Teaching point is related to adding hooks to grab readers attention.
Establish students prior knowledge
Extend/build on hook knowledge (especially vocabulary and different types of hooks.
Introduce hook planning task/DLO.
Move to tables for a quick table talk about hooks.
Work on their Chromebooks to record and use hooks.
Learner Generated Content
Year 3 Blogs
Year 4 Blogs