Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
This lesson is a two-part episode. This is part one.
The learning intentions for this lesson was for the students to gain a better understanding of what bullying is, what it looks like and what it might feel like.
Ko te tino whainga o te akoranga nei he whai māramatanga ki tēnei mea te whakaweti, he aha tōna ahua, me aha hoki ngā kare-ā-roto ka rāngona pea e te tāngata.
This video shows a discussion my class had with what we think bullying is. I used our work with the Oat the Goat story, and the skit making we did in the previous episode as a place to build on our knowledge and understanding of what bullying is. We touch on what we might be feeling and emotions in these situations. The lesson then goes on to my students creating their own skits showing their new understanding of what bullying is. This is shown is my following episode (Ep. 8).
E whakaatu ana tēnei whitiahua i a mātou ko tōku akomanga e kōrero ana mō o mātou ake wheako me ngā mahi whakaweti. I tīmata te akoranga ki ngā kōrero nō te pakiwaitara o Oti te Nanekoti me ngā mahi whakaari i mahi ai mātou i te kiriata i mua (Episode 6). I roto i te kiriata e heke mai ana (Ep. 8) kei te waihanga whakaari ngā tamariki me o rātou māramatanga hou mō te whakaweti.
Reflection / Arotake
This was such a fun way for the kids to express such a hard topic and to be able to share freely their ideas and experiences. I wished that we had talked more about emotions and our feelings, but this is a topic we can explore more of in future lessons.
Things to note
This episode is short but it leads into the following episode which was filmed in the same lesson. I made sure before, during and after any scenarios that we would play out with each other that I would check in that my kids weren't taking things to heart, of reminding them that we're just acting, we aren't actually going to be doing these things to each other personally.
At the very end of the lesson, we do go back over our classroom strategies for when we are feeling sad, angry or upset. I was very aware that some of the scenarios we talked about and explored could be triggering for some of the students.