Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
The learning intentions for this lesson was for the students to share their understandings of the big idea from the short story clip of Oat the Goat. Also, to gain some experiences in creating and performing in skits.
Ko te tino whainga o te akoranga nei he whai māramatanga ki te kaupapa mātua o te whitiahua Oti te Nanenoki. Ōtira, he whai wheako ki roto i ngā mahi ā te rēhia.
This video shows my class exploring and explaining their understandings of the Oat the Goat story and the big idea which is bullying and the choices we are faced with. We do a warm up activity to get us ready for performing a scene from the original story, and then we go on to recreating the scene and critiquing as we go along.
E whakaatu ana tēnei whitiahua i ngā akonga e whakawhiti kōrero ana mō te kaupapa mātua o te pakiwaitara o Oti te Nanekoti, āra ko te whakaweti tērā. He mahi whakamahana ka kitea hoki, ōtira ko tā mātou whakaari i tētahi o ngā wāhanga o te pakiwaitara me te āta whakatikatika i ngā wāhanga i roto.
Reflection / Arotake
This lesson was really fun and my students seemed to enjoy it. We did go off "topic" a bit so it went a lot longer than I had planned which did result in some of the kids not engaging as much. I have a better idea of where I'll go with the following lesson and that is to have more structure.
Things to note
We did go off topic a bit and this affected the editing of this video so you might notice some overlapping in sentences in the audio. This lesson actually changed what the following lesson was going to be. I had planned to focus on remaking the Oti te Nanekoti story but I realised that my kids didn't fully understand what bullying is so the following lesson focuses more on the topic of bullying, what it looks like and how to address it.