Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
The learning intentions for this lesson was to create a mind map that we could use to begin our writing piece.
Ko te tino whainga o te akoranga nei he kohi me te whakatakoto i ngā whakaaro mō te whakamātau pūtaiao. I whakamahi mātou i ngā kapua whakaaro mō te mahi nei.
The video shows a small group discussing their understanding of the science experiment we did on hand washing and germs, and gathering ideas for the two main areas of our writing piece - the title and the main idea of doing the experiment.
E whakaatu ana tēnei whitiahua i tētahi rōpū e kōrero ana mō tō rātou māramatanga ki te whakamātau pūtaiao i mahi mātou, ōtira te whakakotahi i ngā whakaaro mo ngā wāhanga tuhituhi e rua o te takenga pūtaiao - te tapnaga me te tū āhuatanga.
Reflection / Arotake
The lesson itself was too much for this group to get through in one lesson. They weren't engaged for all of it because of how long it was. I worked with these group of children because they did the experiment together but on reflection I should have done this lesson in groups with similar abilities. There are personality clashes in this group too that I didn't think would affect how the lesson went but upon watching the lesson back I can see how some would have thrived better in a different group.
Things to note
This is a really small group, some of the members of their group were away at this time due to Covid-19. This was filmed the week before the country went into lock down.