Direct Instruction / Te Akoranga
The learning intentions for this lesson was to conduct a science experiment to find out the effect that our words and the way to speak have on plants and on people.
Ko te tino whainga o te akoranga nei he whakahaere i tētahi whakamātau pūtaiao e tirotiro ana ki te pānga o te kōrero ki ngā tupu, ki ngā tāngata hoki.
This video shows the beginning of our 3 week science experiment. We go over what the experiment is, what we need to do and what our predictions are. We discuss the kinds of words or things we could say to the plants. We also talk about the way we say things.
E whakaatu ana tēnei kiriata i te tīmatanga o tētahi whakamātau pūtaiao. Ka kōrerohia he aha te whakamātau nei, me aha mātaou/rātou, he aha hoki ngā whakapae mō te mutunga o te whakamātau nei. Ka āta wetewete mātou i ngā momo kōrero ka kōrerohia ki te tupu, āpiti atu ki tēnei ko te ahua hoki o te kōrero.
Reflection / Arotake
This was a very powerful experiment and lesson. We all struggled in the beginning to be mean or say not nice things to one of the plants and I think that's a huge indication on how these kids behave with each other. I would definitely do this every year with a new class because of how powerful it is.
Things to note
I did this lesson with 3 different small groups and each group had completely different ideas on what things to say and how to say them.
We managed to film the end of the experiment which was 3 weeks later, the results are really interesting! Unfortunately the content that I managed to record isn't suitable to be a complete episode but you can click on the link and see the final results of this experiment here.