Week 1, Term 2 CoA.mov

Week 1, Term 2, 2020

  • Home Learning in Team 2 during Lockdown 2020.

This page shows how my team began our Online Learning programme for our Year 2 and 3 children, moving into the beginning of Term 2, 2020 while still in Lockdown due to Covid-19.

This work has begun at a time of uncertainty around when we will be able to return to teaching at school, and what that might look like.


I really enjoyed the freedom to be creative in my planning for this week and I feel that it has resulted in successful tasks that are achievable for families at home to pick and choose tasks and interact with. Not every child, and every home will be able to complete every task, and it was never intended to be taken in that way. It is only with amazing family support, be it parents or older siblings from within our school, that most of the children in our team are able to interact with our site, as they did not get to take their school iPads home with them.

I did receive a couple of emails from wonderful but worried parents, who were concerned how they were going to complete all the given tasks in a day. In retrospect, an instructional video at the top to start the term off may have helped better transition the learning and expectations from daily tasks, to weekly projects.

My 'Patterns and Shapes' planning was probably the area I felt I had planned the weakest, as I was unsure quite how to teach this in a 'Distance Learning' setting. I really enjoyed creating content for 'The Living World' in particular, as I could see the 'Bug Hunt' appealing to all students from our space.

Things to Note

I created content for all four sections for the first week, so that I could model an example as Team Leader, of what our learning should look like as a team while still in lockdown. From Week 2 onwards, we will each take ownership of one learning area, so as to properly focus on and plan outcomes, until such a time as we can return to traditional schooling.

Class Site Content

Wednesday 15th April - Friday 17th April


Remember, you have ALL week to complete the activities below. Just do what you can.

Hangout with Team 2 Teachers!

Click HERE at 10am, every school day.

For your child's Sunshine Books login details, please email:


Learner Generated Content

Charlotte Gaston

Pt England School,

Auckland, New Zealand



Manaiakalani Research

Manaiakalani Education Trust

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes

Auckland, New Zealand