Direct Instruction
In this lesson was filmed in term 2 during alert level 2, for this reason children are socially distanced and each have their own robot to use. The lesson focus on building and understanding of musical notion and the fact that it can show varying note lengths. It also looked at the mathematical concept of converting fractions to decimals as this is required for the coding. For the computational think elements of the lesson children are learning about events, making sounds using the speaker blocks and changing the lengths of these sounds.
This lesson was so much fun. The children just love coding and it was great fun linking this to the ideas of music and maths. The lesson as a whole was 50mins long and as such the video above only shows short moments of the video. What I liked most was seeing the children apply the music theory and maths we learned to create in code. I also like that the children had to solve problems. Note the boy at the end of the video who put 5 not 0.5 and the note played for a very long time.
Things to notes:
This lesson was filmed during Covid Alert Level 2. For this reason desks are separated and you will not see all children who are speaking in shot. There is also very little student to student talk due to the nature of the classroom set up. Please also note that there is noise from the class next to us in our open space.
Class Site Content
We are learning to code a song using the events and speaker blocks.
We are learning about note values and how to write these as decimals.
Learner Generated Content
Clarelle Carruthers
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand