Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for the students to self and peer assess their animations. The students were tasked to make these animations as the create activity for the terms inquiry. They needed to combine their computational thinking and coding skills with the knowledge they had gained in social studies to display a trip around the world. The students worked on these independently in our inquiry lessons during the latter half of the term.
The students in the film finished before the deadline and so we marked eachothers work against the rubric, with the understanding that we still had time to improve this score.
This was the first time that we have peer assessed in our inquiry class, but the students have previously self assessed against a rubric so were familiar with the marking scheme. I noticed that some students were reluctant to give any negative feedback or suggestions, so I could have gone over some norms and discussed the idea of constructive feedback more before we got started. I will definitely bear this in mind when I next facilitate peer feedback as I think it will enable the students to feel more at ease. I also should have asked the owner to self assess their animation.
Things to note
I filmed different elements of these inquiry sessions over a few weeks, with the intention of illustrating how to facilitate longer independent projects. I did not film the begining of the sequence where I introduced the task with an exemplar that I created and introduced the rubric, but I talked the students through my creation in a similar fashion to how I introduced this video. As the students got halfway through the project (after they had drawn their own backgrounds and completed the basic code) I recapped the whole task with the students in a brainstorming session to remind them of the end goal. I also filmed this (see below).
Class Site Content
WALT: We are learning to self and peer assess
Explore one country of your choice in each of the seven continents. Note down key information in your travel journal.
Learn how to transform a sprite around a backdrop using Scratch
An animation on Scratch that takes your audience on an adventure to at least three countries. You need to draw your own backgrounds and include the facts that you learnt in our social studies lessons.
Share your animation on your blog. Self and peer assess your animation against the rubric.

Learner Generated Content
Danni Stone
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand