Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for the students to apply their number knowledge in real world contexts. It follows directly onto the lesson on Trade. The students had to create a business model and breakdown the costs, before following it through to see how much money they would make.
This was a really fun lesson sequence, which contained more maths and critical thinking than I had first anticipated. It worked well at this time of year, however, I begun towards the end of the term four so we really ran out of time to do it justice. I definitely started rushing more as we got to week 9, to the detriment of my teaching. I would love to run this again and dedicate more time to it.
Things to note
This was filmed in the final two weeks of school at the end of term four! We were all sat at tables to get used to being at college (as opposed to being at a may), but the students did find it challenging to discuss things as a class - we could not see each other and missed cues of when to speak. This was confusing as we were trying to move away from having hands up as well!
At times the students have been 'interviewed' in this video, which is different from the usual approach of keeping the camera at the back of the room. As such, some students are a little more shy than they would usually be.
Class Site Content
WALT: apply our number knowledge in real world contexts.
Discuss the different between a want and a need
Consider the way charities operate - they still have to manage costs
Think of four different fundraising ideas
A business model based on your best fundraising idea
Create your product and carry out your plan
Share your business model with the class and on your blog
How World Vision Works
Your Consumer Rights
Eat my Lunch
Learner Generated Content
Danni Stone
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand