Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for the students to identify and describe the function of organelles. During this lesson we unpacked key concepts and vocabulary while watching a video about the organelles in animal cells. The students also looked at cells through the microscope before I introduced them to the multi-modal site. This lesson focusses on the introduction and use of the site itself.
The students really enjoyed using the multimodal site, with several noting that they felt more engaged in the learning than when we unpacked similar content altogether as a class. There was a lot going on in the background (see below), so I have combined two sessions on the site in this video.
Things to note
This lesson was filmed towards the end of the term and as such we had several interruptions. I had to launch the lesson twice as so many students were out the first time and most of my class left for a production practice after about ten minutes (you can hear students being called out throughout the video). We were sitting in rows at one point as we were also filming our Manaiakalani Film Festival movie at the same time so there was quite a lot going on in the background!
Class Site Content
WALT: identify and describe the function of organelles
Discuss what we already know about cells and watch a video about the organelles. Unpack the new vocabulary as a class.
View cells through a microscope
Explore the multimodal site to increase understanding of the concepts.
Create a DLO that describes the function of each organelle
Share your creation on your blog
Learner Generated Content
Danni Stone
Pt England School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand