Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was for children to retell a story they have read using animation. This term all the students in Team One’s Inquiry had a science focus. We have been learning about bees, the importance of bees and ‘how they need to keep the hive alive?’ The children were encouraged to reflect on our inquiry whilst creating. The animation was created on their iPads using the Explain Everything App. Prior to creating and animation the students already had prior knowledge of how to use the tools within Explain Everything. There are 4 students in this group and they are all reading at Yellow 1 Level 6. This was the first time that this group of children created an animation.
I am pleased with the outcome of this lesson although the lesson did not follow with what I had originally planned for. I wanted the children in the group to create an animation retelling the story of Speedy bee in their own words. The animation included, a beginning,a middle and an end. I wanted children to create a project with 5 to 6 pages showing different parts of the parts of the story (drawings) with a recording retelling on each page.
The lesson started well with a good discussion and as we went through the story children participated and shared ideas freely. Together we planned what we were going to do on every page page. For example: Page 1: Speedy bee, hive, baby bees Page 2: Speedy bee searching for flowers but only sees grass and bushes. Page 3: Speedy bee finds a garden with blue flowers. Page 4: He eats the pollen and takes some for the baby bees.Page 5: Speedy taking the pollen in his socks to the beehive. The children were quite excited at this point and were keen on starting their projects. We quickly revised what we needed to do on page 1 and I sent them off to complete that tasks. A few moments later I had most of the children asking for help. This is when I decided that I needed to support my learners. I called them back to the table and we worked together as I modelled step by step what needed to be done. We decided just to work on the first part of the story and take it slow and easy. This was the best decision I made. We had lovely conversations as we worked, drew pictures and created some wonderful animations.The children were happy and knew what they were doing. A few children needed support with copying, finding inspector, they asked each other for help which was pleasing to see. This was the first time we created an animation and it involved a lot of steps and skills. My next steps steps to set up tasks later in the term where they will be expected to create an animation using a familiar PM reader retelling their favourite part of the story.
Class Site Content
Create an animation using our PM reader (Speedy Bee) as a resource as well as reflecting on things we have been learning about for our inquiry this term (How can we keep the hive alive). Using all the information and prior knowledge of bees to support me with this animation.
Explain Everything Activity:(EE)
Speedy Bee - Explain Everything activity.
Attribution to Karen Belt