T3 - DMiC Maths Addition-Sept .mp4

Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was for learners to work collaboratively and share their mathematical thinking to the group. They needed to find and count ” how many lollies we had altogether?” The video shows a guided DMiC Maths session with 6 children in a group. They are grouped according to mixed abilities. A few children in the group can identify numbers up to 100. The learners in this group have been working on both addition and subtraction word problems.

Extended plan here.


Overall the lesson went really well.The lesson flowed nicely and smoothly as the children were familiar with the set up the lesson (launch, turn and talk, working with their partner to solve the problem and then sharing back to everyone.) The culture and social norms in the classroom that were established Term 1 and 2 played a significant role as children knew what they had to do and what was expected of them. The other children in the class were great at working independently on their given tasks which minimised disruption to our group lesson. There were good discussions, talking and sharing back with some interesting questions and some good responses to those questions. The learners are starting to notice, make comparisons and they are confident enough to ask questions when they are uncertain. It was a lovely atmosphere with lots of good learning happening for both me and the learners. We have definitely come a long way compared to the beginning of the year.I am getting better at knowing my learners, noticing what they’re doing, trying to work out the confusions they experiencing. I know which child is sensitive and who needs more prompting /encouraging, waiting time to process the information. All these judgements informs my pedagogy and my practise to raise student achievement.

Class Site Content

Walt: Share my mathematical thinking to my group by counting and finding out “How many lollies are there altogether?”

  • Practise counting on activities with dice-two dice needed, a number dice and a normal dice with dots.

  • With a partner use number board and count from any number.

  • On a sheet of paper write the numbers for eg. teacher writes 18 ___, ______, ______, ______.

Learner Generated Content.


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