Watch real teachers in real classrooms

Class OnAir is a resource that offers a unique look at the teaching practice of educators in the Manaiakalani Network.

Our website contains videos of real teachers teaching in real classrooms, as well as accompanying materials such as lesson plans, resources, links, and reflections. 

By providing a window into the daily work of teachers, Class OnAir aims to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about effective teaching practices, and the Manaiakalani Learn Create Share pedagogy. It offers the opportunity to observe teachers in action and gain insights from their successes and challenges. Additionally, Class OnAir provides a platform for teachers to reflect on their practice and share their insights with others. 

Whether you are an educator seeking new ideas and inspiration, or simply interested in learning about teaching techniques, Class OnAir is a resource that may be of interest. We invite you to explore at your own pace and discover the wealth of knowledge and experience contained within our website.

Try out our search tool!
Explore our extensive record of episodes with ease using the Search feature. Perfect for finding specific lesson ideas, teaching strategies, or classroom inspiration. Search by Year Level, Subject, or Keywords to quickly locate what you need.

Check out all our Class OnAir teachers!
Explore the diversity of the Manaiakalani network in our Teachers section. Here, you'll find educators from different schools and clusters, each uniquely implementing the 'Learn, Create, Share' pedagogy in their context.

Meet our Class OnAir Teachers for 2024



Yr 1-3




Year 7/8




Year 3/4




Year 3/4

2021, 2024



Year 7/8

2018, 2024